If not, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get back into the dating pool with a clearer understanding of who you want to date. 如果不是,那么请立即起身,离开,弄明白你到底想和谁约会,从你的约会对象里面重新寻找。
The Philippines 'bachelor president, Benigno Aquino, confirmed Wednesday that he had put the fizz back into his love life by dating a South Korean media personality more than 20 years his junior. 菲律宾单身汉总统贝尼格诺阿基诺本周三证实,正在与比自己小二十多岁的韩裔美女主播交往,自己的爱情生活中又加入了汽水。
My life is finally back in order, but I'm scared to death to start dating, let alone fall in love. 我的生活终于重回正规,可是对于再度约会我怕得要死,更不用说重新恋爱了。
Navid decides to get back into he dating scene by asking Lila ( guest star Amber Wallace," The Vampire Diaries") out on a date, his first since breaking up with Adrianna. 纳维德决定进入约会,要求他出去约会莉拉(嘉宾琥珀华莱士,“吸血鬼日记”)现场回来,他打破以来首次与阿德里安娜了。
They tend to circulate back into the dating pool more often than anxious or secure people. 他们要比焦虑型和安全型的人更易于回到单身的状态上去。
With yet another one of my relationships in the toilet, I find myself back on the Internet dating websites. 随着我的又一段恋情泡了汤,我重新打开了网络交友网站。
Sure, that strategy was fine the first time around, but now that you're more mature, self-confident, and back on the dating scene, it's time to think outside the first-date box. 当然了,如果是初次约会,这个策略也还不错,但现在的你更加成熟、自信,重回约会舞台,所以是时候跳出初次约会的框框了。
Can we go back to the guy I was dating? 我们能继续谈谈和我约会的那个男人么?